Hi there,
I will show you how you can create a treeview using the jstree plugin by feeding it with external XML file. I have created the following XML file. Named Book.xml.
I will show you how you can create a treeview using the jstree plugin by feeding it with external XML file. I have created the following XML file. Named Book.xml.
Then after creating the xml file download the jstree plugin from here.
Then you need to create a Javascript file named "UIMTreeProcessor.js" with the following code:
function UIMTreeProcessor(data, treeEl) {
this.data = data;
this.treeEl = treeEl;
UIMTreeProcessor.prototype.initTree = function(data){
"json_data" : {
"plugins" : [ "themes", "ui", "json_data" ],
UIMTreeProcessor.prototype.doProcess = function(){
//Find root:
var _root = $(this.data).children(':first-child');
var _a_feed = new Array();
this.vsTraverse($(_root), _a_feed);
var _treedata = [{"data":_root[0].nodeName,"children":_a_feed, "state":"open"}];
UIMTreeProcessor.prototype.vsTraverse = function(node, arr){
var _ch = $(node).children();
for(var i=0; i<_ch.length; i++){
var _vsArr = new Array();
this.vsTraverse(_ch[i], _vsArr);
var _a_att = this.vsTraverseAtt(_ch[i]);
_vsArr.push([{"data":"Attributes "+"["+_ch[i].nodeName+"]","children":_a_att, attr : { "class" : "uim_attr"}}]);
if(null!=_ch[i].firstChild && 3==_ch[i].firstChild.nodeType){
arr.push([{"data":_ch[i].nodeName + ": " + _ch[i].firstChild.textContent,"children":_vsArr, "state":"open"}]);
arr.push([{"data":_ch[i].nodeName,"children":_vsArr, "state":"open"}]);
UIMTreeProcessor.prototype.vsTraverseAtt = function(node){
var _a_atts = null;
if(null!=node.attributes && node.attributes.length > 0){
_a_atts = new Array();
for(var i=0; i<node.attributes.length; i++){
_a_atts.push(node.attributes[i].nodeName + ":" + node.attributes[i].nodeValue);
return _a_atts;
Then you need to add reference to all the scripts in your html/ASP.NET code beside.
After that add the following code in the script section of your HTML page.
After that add the following code in the script section of your HTML page.
var _url = "example_01.xml"; var _uimTree = null; $(function () { getTopContent(); }); getTopContent = function(){ $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: _url, dataType:"xml", cache: false, beforeSend:function(){ //do something before send }, success: function(data){ processXML(data); }, error:function(e){ alert("Error: "+e); } }); } processXML = function(root){ _uimTree = new UIMTreeProcessor(root, $("#jstree")); _uimTree.doProcess(); }
Then add the following Div sectionin your HTML page:
div id="jstree" style="height:500px; overflow-y:auto;" class="ui-corner-all ui-widget-content"></div>
Here is how it would look like:
Now you are done...Njoy..
You can check the complete post with download links here: