Sunday, January 30, 2011

Create a Treeview from a external XML file using JStree JQuery Plugin

Hi there,
I will show you how you can create a treeview using the jstree plugin by feeding it with external XML file. I have created the following XML file. Named Book.xml.

 Then after creating the xml file download the jstree plugin from here.
Then you need to create a Javascript file named "UIMTreeProcessor.js" with the following code:

function UIMTreeProcessor(data, treeEl) { = data;
 this.treeEl = treeEl;
UIMTreeProcessor.prototype.initTree = function(data){
  "json_data" : {
  "plugins" : [ "themes", "ui", "json_data" ],
UIMTreeProcessor.prototype.doProcess = function(){
 //Find root:
 var _root = $(':first-child');
 var _a_feed = new Array();
 this.vsTraverse($(_root), _a_feed);
 var _treedata = [{"data":_root[0].nodeName,"children":_a_feed, "state":"open"}];
UIMTreeProcessor.prototype.vsTraverse = function(node, arr){
 var _ch = $(node).children();
 for(var i=0; i<_ch.length; i++){
  var _vsArr = new Array();
  this.vsTraverse(_ch[i], _vsArr);
  var _a_att = this.vsTraverseAtt(_ch[i]);
   _vsArr.push([{"data":"Attributes "+"["+_ch[i].nodeName+"]","children":_a_att, attr : { "class" : "uim_attr"}}]);
  if(null!=_ch[i].firstChild && 3==_ch[i].firstChild.nodeType){
   arr.push([{"data":_ch[i].nodeName + ": " + _ch[i].firstChild.textContent,"children":_vsArr, "state":"open"}]);
   arr.push([{"data":_ch[i].nodeName,"children":_vsArr, "state":"open"}]);
UIMTreeProcessor.prototype.vsTraverseAtt = function(node){
 var _a_atts = null;
 if(null!=node.attributes && node.attributes.length > 0){
  _a_atts = new Array();
  for(var i=0; i<node.attributes.length; i++){
   _a_atts.push(node.attributes[i].nodeName + ":" + node.attributes[i].nodeValue);
 return _a_atts;

Then you need to add reference to all the scripts in your html/ASP.NET code beside.
 After that add the following code in the script section of your HTML page.

var _url = "example_01.xml";
  var _uimTree = null;
  $(function () {
  getTopContent = function(){
    type: "GET",
    url: _url,
    cache: false,
     //do something before send
    success: function(data){
     alert("Error: "+e);
  processXML = function(root){
   _uimTree = new UIMTreeProcessor(root, $("#jstree"));

Then add the following Div sectionin your HTML page:
div id="jstree" style="height:500px; overflow-y:auto;" class="ui-corner-all ui-widget-content"></div>
Here is how it would look like:

Now you are done...Njoy..
You can check the complete post with download links here: